Friday, July 15, 2011

As with life... it is with these latest paintings, that they are a work in progress.  

The last 2 are finished, maybe.  Just some thoughts of painting put to paper.  The pictures don't do the colors justice, as is usual with pictures, and the glare is a bit obnoxious.  All in all these do look better in person, but here we go in spite of it all.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2 New Paintings

In February, I decided to revisit my painting technique from my senior year of college. I've only done 2...but it's a start, or a restart!  I really enjoy the process.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


One of my favorite mediums is photography.  I love that I can capture candid moments, life moments, and some of those moments and things that are seemingly insignificant.  I love to take pictures.  My daughter has become my favorite muse, but I still thoroughly enjoy my nature pics.  I thought that while I had some time I would share some of my college and right after college pics.  I am spending so much time reminiscing about my artistic inspiration because I am trying to regain my expressive abilities.  They have been in hibernation for quite some time...and it is time they WAKE up!!

In and around Galesburg, IL

In and around Binghamton, NY


Key West

Antelope Island, UT

Manassas, VA

Milford, CT


I love photography!